Can Parsley Grow in Shade? [ Planting Guide]

My garden is full of trees and other taller plants. As much as I need another herb to grow in the shade, they tend to block a large section from receiving full sunlight. Therefore, I was caught in thoughts on which plant to grow in the shady area. The plant that came into my mind was Parsley. 

However, one question I had was whether or not Parsley could grow under this condition? Is there anything outstanding about growing Parsley in the shade? Yes, it turns out to be an excellent choice!

So, can Parsley grow in the shade?

Parsley is available in two types, both curly and flat-leaved. Both can grow in partial but not full shade. Furthermore, it requires 6-8 hours of sunlight a day for proper growth and blossoming. In full shade, it might tend to grow, but it will eventually wither. As much as you plant Parsley in partial shade, ensure that it receives a bit of sunlight to thrive well.

Parsley is an important plant with numerous benefits to your health. According to Web MD, Parsley might increase menstrual flow, reduce spasms, stimulate the appetite, and improve digestion.

What Are the Different Types of Parsley?

Parsley is an herbaceous biennial in the family Apiaceae. Being used as an herb, it’s available in different types. The three wide varieties are as follows:

Curled Leaf Parsley

Also known as common Parsley, it is widely used in the United States of America. It is further subdivided into Forest Green, Decorator. Extra triple-curled and Frisca, among others. Many people use it as a garnish in stew, soup, and other dishes.

Flat Leaf

Another variety of Parsley is the flat-leaf. It has more flavor than other varieties. Its cultivators include; Italian Dark Green and Gigante Catalog no, among others. Moreover, it is used in soups, salads, sauces, and stews.


This plant is unique because of its special features. They are also known as German Parsley is used in making soup and stew. However, or has an outstanding character where the roots are used instead of leaves. 

How to Grow Parsley in Shade

Parsley is a unique plant because it tends to thrive well under conducive environments just like pansies. To grow, Parsley follows these helpful tips:

What are The Best Conditions For Growing Parsley?

Growing Parsley under the shade is not as easy as you might think. It needs some essentials for it to thrive well. Check out the following valuable tips for you to get started:

How Many Hours of Sunlight Do Parsley Need?

Sunlight is an essential requirement to boost the growth of Parsley. It helps in strengthening the parts, among other reasons. Parsley needs about 6 to 8 hours of sunlight in a day.  Moreover, you can space the plant apart, 6-8 inches in an area rich in nutrients and full sun.

Ensure that the soil is well-drained and has a PH of 5.5-6.7 to go hand in hand with the sunlight received. If the plant grows in warm areas, don’t plant in full shade as it might die.

What Fertilizer Does Parsley Need?

Fertilizer is also necessary when growing in shady conditions because full shade might cause the death of the plants. Fertilizer cannot be applied without soil. Before applying fertilizer, make sure that the earth is well-drained. Additionally, the PH should range from 6.0-7.0.

What Kind of Soil Does Parsley Need?

To grow Parsley in the shade, the first thing you need is the best soil. Well-drained soil is rich in organic matter. This means that you should add well-aged compost manure before the planting date. Technically, this plant prefers loamy soil.

One more thing, Parsley does not require a lot of water. Why is it so? The shade makes the soil undergo less evaporation. This might lead to a lot of moisture causing wilting. Therefore, keep the whole process balanced by making sure that the earth is dried up thoroughly.

What Temp Does Parsley Need?

Another essential factor to consider when planting Parsley is temperature. Make sure that the temperature is 60-65 degrees Celsius.

Where is The Best Place to Grow Parsley?

The site selected to plant Parsley is an essential requirement to include in your list. The location should not be affected by frost. This rule works well during spring. Ensure that the site receives partial sunlight and prune any tall or bushy plants so that they won’t block the sun from reaching your lovely plants. 

How Do you Propagate Store-bought Parsley?

  • Parsley is propagated from seed, either by sowing indoors or by direct seeding. 
  • Before starting the process, seeds should be when the soil is warm. 
  • Soak the seed overnight to enhance germination.
  • Keep the seeds moist throughout and plant them not more than 0.25 inches.
  • Thin the seedlings to a spacing of 4-6 inches apart and 23-24 inches between rows after germination.

How Do You Harvest Parsley So it Keeps Growing?

After taking care of these gorgeous plants, it’s time to harvest them! To help you out, follow the following steps;

  • Select younger plants because they are fresh and have the most assertive flavor. This process can be done after the first year.
  • Wait until the stems of the leaf have developed three segments.
  • Cut the base of the plant.
  • Cut the leaves from the outer position. 
  • Harvest continuously so that the plant will continue to grow continually.

Here is a  video that shows how to harvest parsley.

How Do you Maintain a Parsley Plant?

Parsley is easy to plant and easy to care for if you follow the right conditions. Here are valuable tips to provide good care.

  • Prune or clip old branches to enhance new growth.
  • Remove any flower stalk to block the plant expected to seed from retaining the flavor of the leaves.
  • Cultivate the soil to remove weeds.
  • Fertilize the soil before planting seeds.
  • Continue harvesting leaves throughout winter.

What is the Benefit of Parsley?

Given that Parsley’s thrives in partial shade and sun, they will give your garden life throughout the growing season. If you are in search of plants that will provide you with many benefits, then Parsley’s are a good choice. Below are a few of the benefits that you will enjoy from growing these plants in your garden.

  • Parsley leaves are dried or used fresh as a culinary herb.
  • They are used as a garnish.
  • The taproot can be used as a vegetable as it’s edible and contains a lot of nutrients.
  • Essential oil is extracted from Parsley and used as a flavoring agent.

NB– Just in case you are looking for another alternative for parsley, basil can serve the same purpose. 

Pests and Diseases Affecting Parsley

Just like most other plants, Parsley is also attacked by pests and diseases.  Some of the disorders are as follows:

Alterna Leaf Blight

The symptoms include; brown-black necrotic lesions on the leaves that might make the leaves weak. To curb this, plant pathogen-free seed, rotate the varieties and apply a foliar fungicide.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is caused by fungus. The symptoms include; Powdery growth on leaves, chlorotic severe, distorted flowers, and petioles flowers stalks. To prevent this condition, plant tolerant varieties apply equal amounts of fertilizer and apply sulfur to reduce infections.


Chlorotic leaves, bending of stems, and stunted growth, among others. Plant parsley in well-drained soils and apply enough fungicide.


Soft rotting seeds, death of seedling after emerging from the soil. These diseases favor slow seed germination conditions; moreover, they can be spread through contaminated water, equipment, or soil.

Crater Spot

Crater spot is caused by fungi and is mainly favored by warm and moist conditions. Small, water-soaked lesions on crowns in contact with the soil, collapse of petioles, development of a dry, firm texture on petioles. 

To curb this condition, get rid of crop debris, avoid planting seeds too deep to block contact between petioles and the soil, apply the right amount of fungicides at the base, and rotate the plant with non-hosts such as grains to prevent the build-up of diseases in the soil.

Septoria Leaf Spot 

This disease is caused by fungus and spreads via infected seed, contaminated water during irrigation, and people or equipment’s moving through wet plants. Grey-brown spots with red-brown margin and chlorotic leaves, among other symptoms.

To curb this disease, use cultural control methods and pathogen-free seeds. Moreover, you can avoid working with infected roots.


This insect affects Parsley but can be controlled by pruning out leaves or shoots if the number of aphids is limited. You can also use tolerant varieties, Check transplants before the actual process of planting, spray sturdy plants with a strong jet of water on the leaves or use reflective mulches.


Singular or irregular-shaped holes in foliage, skeletonized leaves, dry wounds on fruit, egg cluster and, pale green to young yellow larvae. To control armyworms, use organic methods.


Tough stems at the soil line, irregular holes on fruits, and leaves coloration, among others.

To curb this insect, remove plant residue from the soil after harvesting or at least two weeks before planting, handpick larvae after dark, apply appropriate insecticide or spread diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant.

Final Word

I grew Parsley under the shade, and it thrived. If you love this plant and want to do the same, all you need to do is follow the procedures we have discussed. Furthermore, avoid planting them in frost and ensure that the site is partially shady and receives partial sun as they are the secret to a healthy Parsley.


I love nature and fresh food from the garden. That's why I started this gardening journey and decided to share my experience with the world. So far it has been an amazing journey. I hope you will enjoy reading my gardening journal and never be the same again!

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